Chiu Lee, MD
Treating acne and warts
Reminder: We have moved!
Our office at 4190 Finch Ave. East has closed permanently.
Our new address and phone numbers are below.
We will be closed August 8 and 9 and September 12 and 13 for holidays

About Chiu Lee, MD
I am a general practitioner who has been treating acne and warts in Toronto for the past 37 years. I see patients by consultation only. That means that your family doctor has to give you a referral to see me. I have a GP Focused Practice Designation in Dermatology from OHIP. That means that your family doctor will not have their income deducted when you see me for your skin condition.
Medical Degree - University of Toronto Class of 1985.
Licensed for independent practice by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario since 1986.

To see Dr. Lee for your acne or warts:
You need to ask your family doctor for a referral. You can tell your doctor that Dr. Lee has a GP Focused Practice Designation in Dermatology from OHIP, and for that reason, they will not be penalised if they refer you to our office for treatment.
All visits are covered by OHIP
Some procedures, such as injections for acne or scars, or some types of treatment for hand and facial warts, may result in extra charges. These will always be discussed with you beforehand.
Opening Hours
Thursdays and Fridays
9:30am to 11:30am
1:00pm to 4:30pm
Dr. Chiu Lee, MD
Toronto Chronic Diseases Centre
2330 Kennedy Road, Suite 210
Scarborough, ON M1T 0A2
Tel: 416-335-1717
Fax: 416-335-1719
email for appointments: